Saving application no header

    Savings Accounts Information

    Savings Account Savings Plan Fixed Term


    နိုင်ငံသားစိစစ်ရေးကတ်၏ စာရွက်စာတမ်းများ

    Terms & Conditions

    I, hereby, declare that I fully understand and agree on the following and submit my signature as below;

    1. It is true that I provided the accurate, authentic, and completed information in the above application form, otherwise, the account holder shall take full responsibility for any losses caused to Microfinance Delta International Company., Ltd.

    2. Account holder shall fully corporate with MIFIDA as required for the successful account opening process, and New client is required to complete the MIFIDA Member process prior to account opening.

    3. Microfinance Delta International Company., Ltd shall take up to 24 hours (working day) for the screening process, upon successful screening process, the requested savings account shall be opened, then the account holder shall receive an SMS notification with detailed information for the deposit process.

    4. To place the deposit in accordance with the information mentioned in the aforementioned SMS notification within 24 hours (working day), the account holder shall receive the deposit receipt on the used digital channel.

    5. Savings Book; the physical evidence of the savings account, can be requested and acquired at the account opening branch within working hours.

    6. To notify Microfinance Delta International Company., Ltd not later than 3 working days about any changes of the Signatories, Name, Address, and Personal identity documents.

    7. Additional deposits can be done either in person or with an authorized representative with the accurate information of the account holder either via E-channel or branch counter. Then the receipt must be kept by the Account holder.

    8. Only account holders can withdraw at the account opening Branch counter only, however, withdrawals at other branches shall be treated as a Special request and Microfinance Delta International Company., Ltd shall take some time.

    9. Microfinance Delta International Company., Ltd reserves the right to amend the Pricelist, and Terms and Conditions at the discretion of the Management which also may subject to the regulators.